2016. Feb. 02. Tuesday, 11:31
European Man’s Handball Championship in Poland has ended. On Friday the host team of the tournament has gained the 7th place against Sweden whose player Andreas Nilsson from Veszprém scored three goals. France and Denmark, which had been the participants of last year’s final match, played for the 5th place and the game was ended with French victory.
Poland – Sweden 26:24 (12:12) – scorers:
Poland: Konitz és Krajewski 5-5, Bielecki 4, Gebala, Orzechowski és Syprzak 2-2, Chrapkowski, Daszek, Jurecki, Lucak, Maslowski és Wisniewski 1-1
Sweden: L. Nilsson 5, Stenmalm 4, A. Nilsson és Östlund 3-3, Jakobsson, Nielsen, Olsson és Petersen 2-2, Zachrisson 1
France – Denmark 29:26 (15:13) – scorers:
France: Kounkoud 8, Sorhaindo 6, N. Karabatic és Remili 4-4, Nyokas 2, Dipanda, Honrubia, L. Karabatic, Mahe, Narcisse 1-1
Denmark: Christensen 7, Mensah Larsen 4, Lynggaard, Mortensen és Nöddesbo 3-3, Schmidt 2, Christiansen, M. Hansen, Møller és Svan 1-1
The semi-finals were held at the end of Friday. The prolonged match between Norway and Germany ended with the German team’s victory and final qualification after overtime. In the other game Spain gained a 4-goal victory over Croatia. Players from Veszprém participated in both teams: Ugale scored 3 goals, while Sliskovic as the most productive player of the Croatian team scored 6 goals. In addition, Alilovic ended up with 3 savings.
Norway – Germany 33:34 (13:14; 27:27) – scorers:
Norway: Björnsen 8, Joendal és Myrhol 5-5, Sagosen 4, Lie Hansen, O'Sullivan és Tönnesen 3-3, Reinkind 2
Germany: Reichmann 10, Häfner és Kühn 5-5, Fäth 4, Dahmke és Pekeler 3-3, Wiede 2, Schmidt és Strobel 1-1
Spain – Croatia 33:29 (18:14) – scorers:
Spain: Robledo és Rivera 6-6, Aguinagalde és Tomas 5-5, Raul Entrerrios 4, Ugalde 3, Maqueda 2, Dujshebaev és Gedeon Guardiola 1-1
Croatia: Sliskovic 6, Kopljar, Maric és Strlek 4-4, Horvat és Karacic 3-3, Cupic és Sebetic 2-2, Duvnjak 1
Sunday was the last day of the tournament. In the bronze game Croatia gained a 7-goal victory over Norway; Ivan Sliskovic scored 3 goals. The gap between the teams playing for the 3rd place was surprising but nobody had expected that Germany with the absence of many injured players would win the final against Spain with 7 goals. Cristian Ugalde player of MVM Veszprém played in the final match and scored 1 goal.
Norway – Croatia 24:31 (11:15) – scorers:
Norway: Sagosen 5, Joendal 4, Björnsen, Lie Hansen, Hykkerud és Myrhol 3-3, Reinkind 2, Tönnesen 1
Croatia: Horvat 8, Duvnjak 6, Maric és Strlek 4-4, Sliskovic 3, Karacic és Kozina 2-2, Kopljar és Mamic 1-1
Germany – Spain 24:17 (10:6) – scorers:
Germany: Häfner 7, Dahmke 4, Fäth és Reichmann 3-3, Pekeler 2, Kohlbacher, Kühn, Schmidt, Sellin és Strobel 1-1
Spain: Raul Entrerrios 5, Tomas 4, Dujshebaev 3, Robledo 2, Cañellas, Rivera és Ugalde 1-1
Photos: pol2016.ehf-euro.com